Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm back =)

It has been one month since I last updated this blog! I wonder if I should slowly fill in the missing days from the previous blog entry till now. Perhaps I should just start from today... I still cannot decide what I want to do about it. Anyway, I'm glad to be able to go online again, to be reconnected with my family and friends. This is the most important to me. Hopefully I can get my blog going again. There is a possibility of a new blog... not sure.

Anyway, one month on. I am doing fine except for a persistent cough due to allergy reaction. My Thai colleague said I had contracted the "Hong Kong Disease"! Haha! Perhaps she is right. I just hope to recover soon and start my exercise regime again... yoga... jogging. (I have signed up for Standard Chartered 10km in December! )

Will update again! :)