Tuesday, June 26, 2007

half a year on... working towards a better 2007!

Time really flies. It is mid-2007 already! Looking back, it has been a really busy year, packed with activities which sometimes I feel that I am taking on more than I can manage. Whatever it is, it is about doing as many things as I can while I am still young. Even though I fall sick a few times this half a year, I still am able to recover well, and get on with the busy schedule week after week. But sometimes I feel that I still am not committed enough in certain aspects, and wish I could really do more.

Anyway, the next half a year is as eventful. Plans all the way to September have been made! I am looking forward to them! ... Shape Run... travel plans :) ....maybe Great Eastern Run??

... Anyone still sets resolutions in June?? haha!! I have a few resolutions.
Here they are:
1. healthy body, healthy mind... fall sick less...
2. drink more water
3. read more widely
4. paint/draw again
5. do more photography
6. be more committed in whatever I am doing

Friday, June 22, 2007

Life is fragile.. live it to fullest!

My parents are both in their late 50s. Their health has been fine so far, besides problem of high blood pressure, and for my dad a few other small ailment which on the whole, do not pose any great danger on their life. I am very thankful for that. However, in the recent months, my parents have witnessed their close friends of many decades, falling ill and feeling down. As their friend, my parents played active role in giving them support and care, encouraging and cheering on their spouses in these difficult times. I wonder what went through my parents' mind as they made visits to their friend at the nursing home, when they heard of Uncle KH trying to end his life, when they heard the shaking voice of a friend whose wife has cancer and he is one they thought is the strongest among them. When my mum talks about her friends, sometimes I can see the tears in her eyes. But she knows there is nothing to cry for, but to be strong for them, helping them in anyway she could.

I guess life is so fragile, and a person is so vulnerable to illnesses. As we go through our daily life, lamenting how hard we work, worrying about not meeting deadlines, about not having enough money, sometimes we might really forget that health is still the most important.

Whatever it is, live life to the fullest!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I came across this phrase somewhere recently. I thought it was worth thinking about it.
" ... I am lost ... not because I do not have a map.
I am lost because I do not have a destination..."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

another June baby!

Yesterday was Kinki's birthday! But our gift for her arrived a day late. hehe!!
Kinki! Happy Birthday!
Hope you like it ah!! :)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


The month of June started with lots of work waiting to be done, items to be struck off the to-do-list. It seems never ending, and it is not because I am not doing them, but because I just do not seem to be able to clear one item before another comes along. Whatever it is, I just have to do it one at a time, and I believe, the list will get shorter, or at least get refresh with old tasks completed and new tasks added. Although there are moments I feel totally incompetent, learning from these moments are valuable lessons which I treasure. This is how I would grow I think.

Other than work, I am also rather busy with pursuing some hobbies. Sometimes I feel lazy and really want to take a break and do nothing. At times, it is really quite enjoyable to be doing these things =)

Work, volunteer, hobbies... One of the things I have been doing less is actually hitting the gym! haha! But I manage to keep to my Sunday schedule today and attended yoga in the afternoon, leaving me rejuvenated after that =) Of course, it has also resulted in a hearty appetite after that. haha!

Sometimes... I wonder if I am occupying myself with too many things!

Oh! June... birthday month for Karen, Huijiao, my xiaomei, Buddy... Happy Birthday Gals!

Friday, June 08, 2007


It has been a crazy week... and I realises that I have been working for 12 days in a row... wonder where my weekends have gone? ... But of course I don't work 24 hrs a day. However, 12 days in a row .. with other committment to keep to, I started to feel so drained last night. Hence, I decided to have a day off from whatever committment I have, and really just take a break. I am now looking forward to end of the day, and would not mind meeting my buddies for a simple meal or drink, and then be home earlier than all other days to be with my parents. hee!! Before all these can happen, I still have to clear my work! :p With other work coming in along the way, the projects I am involved in are very behind schedule... one can tell from the number of times the phone rings :p My personal to-do-list is building up too! I really have to put aside time to get all those things done... can't wait to tick them off the list.
Anyway, busy busy 12 days... but still knowing I work for a good purpose is a good thing =) ... Especially when what you do brings a smile and some warmth to others!

Friday, June 01, 2007

simple pleasures in life

I do realise simple pleasures in life bring me lots of joy... a cup of hot earl grey tea with milk, my favourite capuccino, a session at the yoga class, a meal with my parents, a bus journey with my best friend, looking at the shop display of my favourite watch or dress... or simply a walk along the river on my way home everyday...

Sometimes when all other things are not going our way, these simple pleasures in our everyday life are within our means to make them happen to bring us joy.
What are these simple pleasures in life that could bring you joy?