Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Yesterday was not a busy day at work especially if I were to compare it with those crazy days few weeks back. But I still accomplished a few tasks I set to do for yesterday. After work, I headed to Kinokuniya, ready with some vouchers, I thought I should use them and get some books I like. Somehow it was one evening which I suddenly seem to fall in love with so many books! But, in the end, did not buy a single one because I could not decide which to get! haha! Well, I have 1 more month to go before the vouchers expire... still have time =)

While I walked through the shelves in the bookshop, occassionally stopped to pick up a book to browse, I realised... I am inspired to write a book.
Perhaps ... not totally writing... as I am not really good at that. but well, maybe a book to record how I see the world, maybe a book to tell my loved ones that I really love them all...

Honestly, I never thought I would be inspired to write a book!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

suddenly I realise...

The start of the new year seems rather peaceful until recently when I suddenly realise I have already made a couple of people upset because of the things I said or done ... somehow I seldom face this problem until recently... I might have seem I was unreasonable, or was not being cooperative, or not willing to help.

I wonder if there is anything I can do as I really do not mean to make them feel unhappy or upset in any way. Perhaps apologising to them is the only way... if that really makes them feel better. When they do feel less upset, I guess I would too.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

when trying your best is not enough

The past 3 weeks were hectic and tiring. Juggling between various responsibilities, it was not easy. But satisfaction comes with every piece of work done with my best in the time I can. While I strive to finish one piece of work , I had somehow not able to to put in the same amount of effort to do something else. The result would then mean not a satisfactory piece of work done. At the same time, suddenly when workload from one side increases, somehow, I had chosen to sacrifice another. I think I was wrong to have done that now that I looked back. Perhaps I was wrong in the first place for thinking too highly of my abilities to handle everything. In the end, I not only broke my promise to complete the work, but also chose to stop doing the work. While I rejoiced for completing my work, I had caused someone to be left helpless, and another to be left feeling apologetic. Sometimes trying my best is really not enough.

Monday, April 09, 2007

blogging & working

I realise I have not been blogging for a while... as in, really blogging about things happening around me, to myself.. I guess writing is something I don't really do very often, and it is something I am not really comfortable with. Hence, it depends on really when I have the mood to do so.

It has been tiring recently... working the way I used to back in school. Sometimes people really wonder if it is really so bad. But friends who have been giving me support all these years know how bad it can be, and honestly, this wasn't the worse I have experienced. At least for this project, I have a great working partner, and we have assistance from our colleagues too. Though I'm tired, I am making progress and trying to keep to the schedule. The end is very near... so I just got to hang in there, and work towards submitting it. Why do we work so hard? Well, not too sure actually... many times we mentioned giving up. But none of us actually walked away. Why do we have to do this? I guess it helps to inject more essence into the monotony of work I had been doing the past few months. Most importantly, I can feel the passion still there, though I am not a very confident worker. hehe!!

I guess to be able to be part of this significant milestone is something I want... back to work!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

just thoughts

I recently did a lot of thinking and am glad to finally see more clearly the road ahead. Today, I come to work with new found motivation, short-term goals, and maintaining the passion I have for what I am doing. Isn't that great?

Anyway, before the day really starts... "kop" from Buddy's blog... juz for fun. hehehe!!

1. Where is your cell phone? here
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend? none
3. Your hair? messy
4. Your mother? home
5. Your father? retired
6. Your favourite item? dslr
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favourite drink? coffee
9. Your dream car? scooter..?
10. The room you are in? office
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? height
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? healthy
14. Who did you hang out with last night? sistas
15. What you’re not? ...
19. The last thing you did? sneeze
20. What are you wearing? U2
22. Your favourite book? Bawa
23. The last thing you ate? ambon
24. Your life? fine
25. Your mood? fine
26. Your friends? amazing
27. What are you thinking about right now? phantom!!!!
28. Your car? none
29. What are you doing at the moment? this
30. Your summer? alright
31. Your relationship status? single
32. What is on your TV? none
33. When is the last time you laughed? morning:D
34. Last time you cried?forget
35. School? over