Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm back =)

It has been one month since I last updated this blog! I wonder if I should slowly fill in the missing days from the previous blog entry till now. Perhaps I should just start from today... I still cannot decide what I want to do about it. Anyway, I'm glad to be able to go online again, to be reconnected with my family and friends. This is the most important to me. Hopefully I can get my blog going again. There is a possibility of a new blog... not sure.

Anyway, one month on. I am doing fine except for a persistent cough due to allergy reaction. My Thai colleague said I had contracted the "Hong Kong Disease"! Haha! Perhaps she is right. I just hope to recover soon and start my exercise regime again... yoga... jogging. (I have signed up for Standard Chartered 10km in December! )

Will update again! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

only 15% ... more to go

It has been a week of being unemployed! That might sound like I could be leading a "tai tai" lifestyle, but trust me, I am not. I felt more tired than when I was at work! hahaha. It has been a time of running around getting things done, meeting people whom I would miss when I'm in HK, packing things to bring to HK, packing & throwing things that are getting into the way. My mum hopes to see pixie's territory clean and neat before she prances off to HK. Hence, that explains my stuffy nose after just 2 hours of packing stuff... o_o The stuffy nose doesn't help in speeding the packing/cleaning work up! help... Shall put on mask and see if that helps in any way.

Today, I met Buddy for a simple lunch while waiting for Ah Keow. We headed down to East Coast Park for cycling! :) We all have not cycled for a long time... The quiet ECP was really a pleasure to cycle in. We went all the way beyond the SAFRA resort, and even explored a new route that would eventually end at Changi Beach Park. Due to time constraint, we stopped and turned back at "6180m to Changi Beach Park" marking. We shall continue in future when we can! okay? =) Tired and with a stiff backside, we persist on to reach back the rental kiosk at 5.30pm. We were all quite worn out and hence needed refuelling... haha. I down a egg and ham sandwich and a ice cold ribena, while the 2 gals watch me gobbled my food. We left ECP around 6.30pm. Though tired, it was really nice :) especially with the long chat on the really long bus journey.

15% packed only... and so far, I see more and more unnecessary things being packed in! haha... Buddy said if I bring too many things, it would be disaster when we are moving back. True. Suddenly, I woke up. Hence, it shall be unpacking and packing tomorrow before I zoom out of the house for more errands running and meet-ups!

Well, it is less than 1 week from the big day... 6 days.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

16th June 2008

2 years and 12 days ago, I joined HUAY. Thanks to Buddy's phonecall on a Wednesday evening, I went down on the next evening for a meeting with Mr Huay. I had heard a lot about him fron Buddy. Hence, was looking forward to meeting him. It was a pleasure meeting him and I am very thankful to Mr Huay for so willingly offering me a position. That was when I was going through a rough patch at work. From 5th June 2006, I looked forward to working almost everyday. Mr Huay has been a forgiving and accommodating boss. I will always be thankful for having the opportunity to work with him and my fellow colleagues. They have been very helpful and have given a wonderful 2 years at HUAY. It is a place with warmth and laughters. I will always remember everyone. Besides the wonderful company at work, I have made some friends with fellow working consultants as well. I gained not only knowledge and experience at work, Ialso gained friendship and love of people at work.

Tomorrow will be my last day with HUAY. Even though there are many issues to be resolved in every projects, I will only be able to finish whatever I can and promise by the end of tomorrow.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

放开过去, 瞻望未来…

最近的心情起落不定, 对于即将来临的一切,我还在适应当中。变化并不难应付,变化中的过程似乎艰难许多。追求一个梦想的当儿,也必须面对多方面的压力与判断。这是难免的,因为人活着不单只是为自己。我只想在追求我的一个小小愿望的过程,减少造成身边人的不愉快。无论如何,我们慢慢地、一步步地、踏实的走着每一天,只希望圆梦的那天能顺利。学着放开过去一切不如意,勇敢瞻望未来的挑战!


Wednesday, April 30, 2008



最近不知怎么了,不知不觉...似乎伤害了人,我自己却不知道。后来知道了,也非常抱歉,同时也感到很难过。一向来都为别人快乐着想的我,怎么会如此忽略了别人的感受。事情最终也过去了,当然我很庆幸一切如往常。可是,我依然有说不出的难过... eh.. 最终我还是找到了抒发内心感触的文字,真奇妙。hehe! ... 轻轻叹了一口气,想起很多更令人痛心疾首的世界新闻,我的一切难过,也变得渺小,变得不重要了啊。

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


在工作压力的影响, 大家往往变得情绪化, 失去耐心, 忽略爱你的人为你做的小事情;
在starbucks喝我最爱的咖啡,记载Siem Reap之旅的感想。

下午茶的可爱Smiley Fries,


Friday, April 18, 2008

simple update

It has been half a month since I last blogged. This half a month has been crazy at work. There are times when one gets so frustrated that the best thing to do is to actually walk out of the office. Hoewever, amidst the crazy work load, I have my fair share of fun and play. Karaoke... bowling... enjoying good food... visiting tea house... exercising... fun-fair... which all bring tremendous joy and fun. Even though bowling is like a once in a blue moon thing, it was still quite fun. The evening at Tea Chapter was a chatty night for 5 of us, talking about everything and anything under the sun.

Today is Friday with no project meetings. It was supposed to be a carefree day perhaps with lots of fun at the end of a day's work hanging out and doing leisure stuff. But being down with flu, I guess I really have to surrender. Anyway, work is still piling up. I cleared some, but more came in to replace what was cleared. But I am still positive. Yes. I am. hehe! LEt's hope that the rest of the month would be good!